Ultromat® Systems
Ultromat® systems have been designed specially for the production of stock solutions and process solutions of synthetic poly-electrolytes and have been well proven in the field. The use of poly electrolytes as flocculants or flocculation aids have many areas of application. They can be used wherever colloidal solids need to be removed cost-effectively from liquids. Recommended applications include:
Treatment of drinking water
Waste water treatment
Sludge dewatering
Treatment of process and circulation water
Paper manufacture
Chemical industry, power stations etc.
The systems are differentiated from each other principally due to the construction of the storage tank. The storage tank in the continuous flow system is sub-divided into 3 chambers, thereby substantially preventing fresh polymer mixing with matured polymer. The oscillating and double-deck systems are designed with two completely separate storage tanks, thereby preventing the mixing of fresh and matured polymer.
The PLC compact control can optionally be fitted with a Profibus module. The solution concentrations and the calibration of the dry feeder and the liquid concentrate pump are controlled by the operator. Alarm messages and warnings are shown on the display.
A flow monitor continuously determines the input of dilution water and shows this on the display. Based on the preset solution concentration, the control calculates the requirement of polymer and controls the dry feeder or the concentrate pump proportionately, thereby ensuring that the concentration of polymer solution remains constant even when the water supply fluctuates.